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Water Wise Demonstration Garden

May contain: plant, tree, architecture, and building

Water Wise Demonstration Garden Information:

You are welcome to visit our Water Wise Demonstration Garden located east of the District office during regular business hours. Also, you may enjoy a FREE personal tour led by our volunteer docents. To schedule a tour,  call us at: (760) 366-8438.

The Demonstration Garden was funded largely by grants from the Mojave Water Agency and the Bureau of Reclamation. The themed mural artwork donations were from the Morongo Basin Cultural Arts Council. Local volunteer docents are trained to provide tours and perform light maintenance for this unique display of native and water-wise plants.

What makes the Water Wise Demonstration Garden so special?

Our gardens showcase the selection of beautiful, water-thrifty plants, efficient irrigation practices, and proper maintenance, helping to preserve our precious water supply. Our garden features a "smart irrigation controller" that assesses water needs based on atmospheric conditions rather than the time of day. Other highlights include a Riparian Wash area that slows stormwater runoff, supporting local flora and fauna, and a wildlife dripper providing water for trees and birds.

According to widely accepted guidelines for garden irrigation from sources like the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, the EPA, and the American Water Works Association, gardens typically require approximately 1 inch of water per week to thrive. For our garden, which covers approximately 18,684 square feet, this calculation translates to a weekly need of 11,577 gallons (18,684 square feet × 0.62 gallons per square foot). However, our garden averages less than 360 gallons per week in water usage, showcasing significant savings!

    Keep an eye out for entertaining cactus wrens, roadrunners, lizards, desert iguanas, antelope ground squirrels, butterflies, and more in our beautiful garden. We invite you to take home these sustainable ideas and learn how to create your own backyard wildlife habitat. 

    Six Reasons to Visit:

    Discover the beauty of the Water Wise Demonstration Garden through six distinct themed gardens:

    May contain: plant, vegetation, architecture, building, outdoors, shelter, tree, grove, land, nature, woodland, soil, grass, park, city, road, street, urban, path, house, housing, villa, bench, furniture, and wilderness
    1. Native Plant and Wildlife Garden
    2. Desert Ranch Garden
    3. Mediterranean Garden
    4. Thornless Garden
    5. Rock Garden
    6. Riparian Wash by the Desert Water Shed Mural

     NOTE:  Occasional rains may over-saturate our garden pathways, resulting in temporary closure (allowing the pathways to dry out.)  Please inquire at the District’s customer support desk should the gates be locked during business hours.

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